

Exalted Ruler: Matt Willis

As Chief Executive Officer of the Lodge, the Exalted Ruler is ultimately responsible for the performance of Lodge programs and the reaching of its goals. The Exalted Ruler is the Chief Executive Officer of the Lodge and has ultimate responsibility for properly administering all phases of its activities, including Lodge functions and club operations, including:

  • Appointing the Inner Guard, Chaplain and Esquire, and Members of the Committees required under the Laws of the Order.
  • Appointment of the Presiding Justice of the Subordinate Forum and the Local Lodge Mediator.
  • Reviewing the Opening, Closing and Initiatory Rituals applicable to the station and sufficient familiarization with other rituals to permit impressive rendition of the parts in them.
  • Presiding at all meetings of the Lodge with appropriate attention to their agenda and enforcement of proper decorum.
  • Attending all meetings of the Board of Trustees of the Lodge as an ex-officio member without vote.
  • Attending the Clinics of the District Deputy Grand Exalted Ruler for the District in which the Lodge is located, unless excused for good cause.
  • Attending the annual and other required meetings of the State Association to which the Lodge belongs.
  • Preparing the official visit of the District Deputy to the Lodge.
  • Attending the Grand Lodge Session after installation and participation in Grand Lodge proceedings as the official representative of the Lodge.

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Elected Officers

Leading Knight:
Christi Sullivan

Loyal Knight:
Tracy Robinson

Lecturing Knight:
Joe Bartley

The Knights’ specific duties and responsibilities include:

  • Reviewing the Opening, Closing and Initiatory Rituals applicable to the stations and sufficient familiarization with other rituals to permit impressive rendition of them.
  • Studying the Laws of the Order, its Rituals, the By-Laws of the Lodge, this and other manuals of the Order and Robert’s Rules of Order.
  • Assisting the Exalted Ruler in conducting the affairs of the Lodge.
  • Acting in the absence of the Exalted Ruler in the order of the rank, including presiding at Lodge meetings, unless a Past Exalted Ruler has been designated for the occasions.
  • Observing proper protocol as set forth in the Grand Lodge Protocol Manual.
  • Proper discharge of duties as assigned. The Leading Knight must attend the Clinics of the District Deputy Grand Exalted Ruler for the District in which the Lodge belongs.

Stephanie Schwab

The Secretary’s specific duties and responsibilities include:

  • Keeping accurate minutes of all meetings.
  • Maintaining accounts between the Lodge and its Members.
  • Assigning a number to each Member which is shown on his membership card.
  • Maintaining a current mailing list for all Members consistent with the Chicago Lodge Membership System (CLMS) and as directed by the Grand Secretary.
  • Receiving all monies due the Lodge and paying them over to the Treasurer.
  • Informing applicants for membership of their acceptance or rejection.
  • Notifying all committee appointees.
  • Preparing the Annual Report to the Grand Lodge.
  • Preparing a period membership report on forms furnished by the Grand Secretary as of the 1st day of November of each year.
  • Reporting all expulsions and suspensions to the Grand Secretary.
  • Reading and answering all correspondence of the Lodge subject to the approval of the Exalted Ruler.
  • Giving bond of at least $5,000 or in greater amount as may be provided in the By-Laws.
  • Presenting a written report of the transactions of his/her office to the Lodge at the first session in April and October.
  • Receiving compensation as fixed by the By-Laws.
  • Performing all duties required by the Subordinate Forum.
  • Attending all District Deputy clinics, unless excused for good cause.

Sandra S. Begue

The Treasurer’s specific duties and responsibilities include:

  • Receiving all monies of the Lodge from the Secretary, and giving the Secretary with a receipt.
  • Paying all approved bills against the Lodge on vouchers signed by the Exalted Ruler and the Secretary. The Lodge By-Laws may provide for payment of recurring bills after approval of the Board of Trustees without obtaining Lodge prior approval. The Payment shall be reported at the next Lodge meeting.
  • Maintaining an accurate record of receipts and disbursements.
  • Giving bond of at least $5,000 or in a greater amount as may be provided in the By-Laws.
  • Acting as Treasurer of all Committees unless otherwise provided by the By-Laws.
  • Signing all checks unless the By-Laws also provide for a member of the Board of Trustees designated by the Treasurer to sign. The Trustee shall give bond in the same amount as required of the Treasurer. A Lodge may authorize the Treasurer to establish and replenish a checking account, not to exceed $1,000.00, for the sole purpose of paying for club supplies and inventory. With the approval of the supervising and managing body of the club, the Treasurer may authorize another officer or the club manager to be a signer on this account only. Should the By-Laws require more than one signature, the additional signatories shall not be permitted to be an immediate family member of the first signatory.
  • Receiving compensation as provided for in the By-Laws.

Tiler: Stacy Goldesberry

The Tiler’s duties and responsibilities include:

  • Guarding the outer door of the Lodge at all meetings and permitting no person to enter without previous announcement through the Inner Guard, and permission of the Exalted Ruler.
  • Requiring all Members to show their membership cards, and requiring visiting Members to register in the book kept for that purpose.
  • Remaining at his/her station until the close of all meetings.
  • Assuming charge of all jewels, regalia and other like Lodge property and seeing that they are in proper condition for all meetings of the Lodge.
  • Furnishing all necessary paraphernalia by order of the presiding Officer, having charge of the keys to Lodge doors, and seeing that all Lodge property is safely stored before leaving the Lodge room.

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Exalted Ruler Matt Willis has appointed the following Officers:

Bryan Robinson

The Esquire’s duties and responsibilities include:

  • Organizing the Lodge for meetings.
  • Preparing candidates for initiation.
  • Examining and introducing visiting members.
  • Supervising the ballotting.
  • Transmitting official messages as directed by the Exalted Ruler.
  • Reviewing the parts in the Opening and Closing and Initiatory rituals applicable to the office and being sufficiently familiar with other rituals to permit impressive rendition of the parts.
  • Performing other duties as are inherent in and pertain to the office, or required by the Laws of the Order, or the By-Laws of the Lodge.

Ray Zinnen

The Chaplain’s duties and responsibilities include:

  • Reviewing the parts of the Opening and Closing and Initiatory rituals applicable to the office and being sufficiently familiar with other rituals to permit impressive rendition of the parts.
  • And although not required by the Laws of the Order, it is customary in most Lodges, where invocations and benedictions are part of the various social activities, that the Chaplain performs this function with suitable words of his or her choice.

Inner Guard:
  Ethan Edwards

The Inner Guard’s duties and responsibilities include:

  • Reviewing the parts of the Opening and Closing and Initiatory rituals applicable to the office and being sufficiently familiar with other rituals to permit impressive rendition of the parts.
  • Maintaining his/her position at the inner door of the Lodge, allowing none but those who are qualified to enter, and executing the orders of the Exalted Ruler and the Lodge.
  • Performing other duties as are inherent in and pertain to the office, or required by the Laws of the Order, or the By-Laws of the Lodge.

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Board of Directors includes the Chair Officers & the Trustees

Jeff Burnett, Chairman of the Board

Darrell Felts, Trustee

Jan Cimarossa, Trustee

The Board, subject to control by the Lodge, has the following responsibilities:

  • Control of the funds, investments and real and personal property of the Lodge, not otherwise provided by law, and shall receive and collect the income and rents therefrom.
  • Executing all leases, contracts or other papers when ordered by the Lodge.
  • The Board does not have authority for listing of Lodge real estate for sale and/or entering into any sales contract prior to approval of such action by a majority vote of the Lodge.
  • The Board holds at least one regular meeting each month and needed special meetings called by the Chairman. Minutes are kept of each meeting of the Board.
    • The Exalted Ruler will be given the same notice of all meetings of the Board, and in the same manner, as is given to the other members of the Board.
  • The Board keeps a record of investments made under direction of the Lodge, showing original cost, the due dates and amount of interest or profit on investments, the date and amounts of deposits made by it and date and amounts of drafts drawn from the bank by order of the Lodge.
  • The Board purchases all supplies ordered by the Lodge, and all paper, books and stationary needed by the Officers for the performance of their duties.
    • The Board also holds the bonds of the Officers, and provides a monthly written report of its transactions at the first regular meetings each month.
  • The Board is responsible for establishing an Accident Prevention Program, with one member designated as Accident Prevention Manager, to continually review and implement a policy, in concert with Grand Lodge and State Association programs, to protect the Lodge from claims for accidents and injuries.
  • The Board performs other duties as may be required by the Laws of the Order and By-Law of the Lodge.
  • The Board presents a segregated budget no later than the final regular meeting of the Lodge in April, making appropriations for each of the objects for which the Lodge must or may provide out of monies known to be in possession of the Lodge or estimated to come into it during the ensuing Lodge year.
    • A budget either in its original or modified form must be adopted by the Lodge at the meeting or at the next regular meeting.
    • After the budget has been adopted, all expenditures during the Lodge year must be kept within the limits of the appropriations made.
    • When a proposal is made for an expenditure in excess of the adopted budget, the proposal will be promptly referred to the Board of Trustees for consideration and written recommendation at the next regular Lodge meeting.
    • The proposal may be adopted by not less than a two-thirds vote of the Members present at a regular meeting.
    • The Budget may include an item for contingent purposes to cover emergencies and expenditures may be approved by a vote of two-thirds of the Members present at a regular meeting.
    • Unexpended appropriations at the end of the Lodge year will be available for appropriation in the budget for the next Lodge year.

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House Committee Members 

Dave Johnson, Chairman Sandra Mate
Bryan Robinson Joe Serra
Rusty Gentry  

The House Committee is responsible for managing and supervising the Club facility, including decisions pertaining to employment relationships and the fixing of prices for goods and services, and hearing complaints for violations of House Rules. Members serve at the pleasure of the Exalted Ruler and may be removed by him/her at any time, with or without cause.

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Elks Ladies #158

President: Joan Shea-Rogers Vice President: Tammy Gumble
Secretary: Diann Harbour Treasurer: Yvonne Kennedy

The Elks Ladies is a non-profit volunteer organization. Our purpose is to provide charitable services to the community and to promote a spirit of cooperation and fellowship within the Lodge. The membership consists of members or the spouses or widows of members of Elks Lodge 158 and other interested Ladies. Meetings are held on the first Thursday of each month at 6:30 PM at the Elks Lodge.

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PER Officers

President: PER Sandra S. Begue

Vice President: PER Jan Cimarossa
Secretary/Treasurer: PER Jeff Rodier

The Past Exalted Rulers (PER) Association consists of all of the Past Exalted Rulers of the Lodge and all Past Exalted Rulers of any other Lodge, who are now Members of the Lodge. The PER Association advises with and extends counsel to all Lodge Officers and Committees. The PER Association’s duties and responsibilities include:

  • Electing its own Officers and adopting rules for the conduct of its business.
  • Holding meetings and specifying the dates of such meetings.
  • Making recommendations for Lodge Committee appointments and candidates for office.
  • Assisting the Exalted Ruler.
  • Engaging in and making recommendations in other activities which will promote the good of the Lodge and of the Order.